New Team, New Focus
I wanted to share a quick work update and also explain why I’ve been posting less frequently lately. Previously, I was on the Fast Track for Azure (FTA) team...
I wanted to share a quick work update and also explain why I’ve been posting less frequently lately. Previously, I was on the Fast Track for Azure (FTA) team...
Last week, I spoke at the Copenhagen Developers Festival about using GitHub Codespaces for cloud-based development. This is an amazing conference with an i...
I had a real world example today that I wanted to share about copilot helping me with a coding problem. A friend reached out asking if I knew regex. Its been...
This is part 2 of the Containerizing .NET series. You can read the series of articles here: Containerizing .NET: Part 1 - A Guide to Containerizing .NE...
This article is part of the Festive Tech Calendar 2023. For more articles in the series by other authors, visit Dev ...
This article is part of C# Advent 2023. For more articles in the series by other authors, visit This is the first in ...
Two Incredible Years at Microsoft: A Journey of Growth, Connection, and Remote Collaboration As I sit at my desk, keyboard beneath my fingertips, I’m re...
In today’s dynamic software development landscape, every second counts. Maximizing efficiency and ensuring error-free processes are top priorities for develo...
If you’re like me, you love discovering new ways to boost your productivity and workflows. One of my favorite tools is I’ve used the desktop tool an...
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular code editor that offers a wide range of extensions to enhance its functionality. However, having too many extension...
This is part 5 of the Secure Terraform series. You can read the series of articles here:
This is part 2 of the MARP series. You can read the series of articles here: Marp - Create Presentations with Markdown Unleash Your Creativity with Mar...
This is part 1 of the MARP series. You can read the series of articles here: Marp - Create Presentations with Markdown Unleash Your Creativity with Mar...
This is part 4 of the Secure Terraform series. You can read the series of articles here:
This is part 3 of the Secure Terraform series. You can read the series of articles here:
This is part 2 of the Secure Terraform series. You can read the series of articles here:
This blog was posted as part of the Festive Tech Calendar 2022. I really want to thank the organizers for helping set this up!
Something I found out after moving from WordPress to GitHub Pages is that out of the box you can only host a single domain for a repository with GitHub Pages...
I haven’t done a lot with jekyll in the past, but I’m a big fan of Markdown everything. For me that usually means I’m taking notes in Markdown Obsidian, doin...
I’ve been hosting on WordPress for a while. I wanted something that worked pretty well and was easy to work with. I picked a decent theme, added some plugins...
This blog was posted as part of the C# Advent Calendar 2022. I really want to thank Matthew D. Groves and Calvin Allen for helping set this up! Look for #cs...
I’ve been in a number of internal and external calls where tooling to help work with Kubernetes keeps coming up. I thought I would share some of these cool t...
Presenting at THAT Conference 2020 Presenting and speaking are skills that require practice to hone. I was a consultant for many years presen...
Microsoft I’m so excited to announce that I’m joining Microsoft! I’ll be joining the Fast Track for Azure - Apps team as a Senior Customer Engi...
Containers are a very big topic right now, but they also cause a lot of confusion for people. Before we discuss containers, containerization, and container o...
When I reset my PC or setup a new test machine, I always have to download a lot of software. In the past, I’ve used Chocolatey, Boxstarter, or just installed...
What is NuGet?
A common issue I see when discussing DevOps with teams or organizations is the presence of Organizational Silos. Organizational Silos are made up of all type...
This is a phrase I end up using a lot while talking with clients. I used to use a different phrase about elephants but moved away from that language to be mo...
As a DevOps Consultant a lot of what I do is spent on People and Processes. If you remember the definition of DevOps that I love is from Donovan Brown, “DevO...
What Isn’t DevOps?
Git Logo
I’m running on a Windows Insider Slow build so that I can leverage WSL 2, the Windows Subsystem for Linux v 2. Its pretty incredible, because there’s now a L...
This blog was posted as part of the Third Annual C# Advent. Make sure to check out everyone else’s work when you’re done here
I have been starting to speak and present a lot more, and was looking into great tools like Carnac and KeyPosé. But I just found out today about a feature I ...
I’ve been a developer for a long time, writing APIs and clients to consume them. When an API is around long enough, it needs to change. I’ve versioned APIs i...
I’ve got a template straight from Microsoft. I want this wired into a CI/CD pipeline to I can play around and get quick feedback. I’m going to use Azure DevO...
Time to Dive in
The Journey Begins
Time to get back to it.