Posts by Year


New Team, New Focus

1 minute read

I wanted to share a quick work update and also explain why I’ve been posting less frequently lately. Previously, I was on the Fast Track for Azure (FTA) team...

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Writing Regex with Copilot

3 minute read

I had a real world example today that I wanted to share about copilot helping me with a coding problem. A friend reached out asking if I knew regex. Its been...

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Dev Containers - Part 1

8 minute read

This article is part of the Festive Tech Calendar 2023. For more articles in the series by other authors, visit Dev ...

Containerizing .NET - Part 1

7 minute read

This article is part of C# Advent 2023. For more articles in the series by other authors, visit This is the first in ...

Two Incredible Years at Microsoft

6 minute read

Two Incredible Years at Microsoft: A Journey of Growth, Connection, and Remote Collaboration As I sit at my desk, keyboard beneath my fingertips, I’m re...

Embedding Diagrams in VSCode

4 minute read

If you’re like me, you love discovering new ways to boost your productivity and workflows. One of my favorite tools is I’ve used the desktop tool an...

Marp - Create Presentations with Markdown

5 minute read

This is part 1 of the MARP series. You can read the series of articles here: Marp - Create Presentations with Markdown Unleash Your Creativity with Mar...

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Secure Terraform - Part 1 - tfsec

6 minute read

This blog was posted as part of the Festive Tech Calendar 2022. I really want to thank the organizers for helping set this up!

Multiple Domains on GitHub Pages

3 minute read

Something I found out after moving from WordPress to GitHub Pages is that out of the box you can only host a single domain for a repository with GitHub Pages...

Customizing the Jekyll Theme

2 minute read

I haven’t done a lot with jekyll in the past, but I’m a big fan of Markdown everything. For me that usually means I’m taking notes in Markdown Obsidian, doin...

Migrating from WordPress to GitHub Pages

4 minute read

I’ve been hosting on WordPress for a while. I wanted something that worked pretty well and was easy to work with. I picked a decent theme, added some plugins...

Validating .NET Configuration

3 minute read

This blog was posted as part of the C# Advent Calendar 2022. I really want to thank Matthew D. Groves and Calvin Allen for helping set this up! Look for #cs...

Tools for working with Kubernetes

1 minute read

I’ve been in a number of internal and external calls where tooling to help work with Kubernetes keeps coming up. I thought I would share some of these cool t...

Presenting Best Practices - Part 1

4 minute read

Presenting at THAT Conference 2020 Presenting and speaking are skills that require practice to hone. I was a consultant for many years presen...

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Containers and VMs: What is the difference?

2 minute read

Containers are a very big topic right now, but they also cause a lot of confusion for people. Before we discuss containers, containerization, and container o...

Scripting Winget

4 minute read

When I reset my PC or setup a new test machine, I always have to download a lot of software. In the past, I’ve used Chocolatey, Boxstarter, or just installed...

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How Do You Boil the Ocean?

1 minute read

This is a phrase I end up using a lot while talking with clients. I used to use a different phrase about elephants but moved away from that language to be mo...

Snake Oil DevOps - BEWARE!

2 minute read

As a DevOps Consultant a lot of what I do is spent on People and Processes. If you remember the definition of DevOps that I love is from Donovan Brown, “DevO...

WSL2, Docker, and Time

1 minute read

I’m running on a Windows Insider Slow build so that I can leverage WSL 2, the Windows Subsystem for Linux v 2. Its pretty incredible, because there’s now a L...

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Presenting with VS Code - Screencast mode

1 minute read

I have been starting to speak and present a lot more, and was looking into great tools like Carnac and KeyPosé. But I just found out today about a feature I ...

RESTful API Versioning

2 minute read

I’ve been a developer for a long time, writing APIs and clients to consume them. When an API is around long enough, it needs to change. I’ve versioned APIs i...

ARM - Part 3: Hook up the Pipes

1 minute read

I’ve got a template straight from Microsoft. I want this wired into a CI/CD pipeline to I can play around and get quick feedback. I’m going to use Azure DevO...

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