Securely Deploying Infrastructure As Code

Chris Ayers

Chris Ayers

Senior Risk SRE
Azure CXP AzRel

LinkedIn: - chris-l-ayers
GitHub: Codebytes
Twitter: @Chris_L_Ayers


  • What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

  • Security Tooling

    • Rules & Customization

    • Workflow

  • Integration

    • Precommit hook

    • VSCode Integration

    • GitHub Actions

What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a way to manage and provision infrastructure resources using configuration files and automation tools.

Why use Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

The goal of IaC is to make it easier to deploy and manage infrastructure in a repeatable, reliable way, and to reduce the risk of errors caused by manual configuration.

Security and Compliance

There have been multiple breaches and attacks due to misconfiguration.
Vulnerabilities can be a simple omitted property.

OWASP Top 10

Cloud Misconfiguration

Source: The State of Cloud Security 2021 Report

Shift Left on Security

Save time and money

We can't just do security in production after everything is built, we need to go into solutions with security baked in.

Security Tooling

Running security testing tools against infrastructure as code (IaC) is a way to ensure that the infrastructure being provisioned is secure and compliant with best practices.

Why run Security Tooling?

  • To catch security issues early

  • To ensure compliance

  • To improve the security of your infrastructure

  • To save time and effort by shifting Left

Security Tooling: SAST vs DAST

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

SAST is a method of debugging that is performed by looking at the source code of an application without actually executing the application.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

DAST, on the other hand, involves testing an application while it is running, in order to identify potential security vulnerabilities.

Security Tooling - Terraform

Each of these tools does similar things and are SAST (Static Analysis Security Tooling).
With Terraform you can analyze in a few ways.

  • HCL files
  • Terraform Plan

Security Tooling - OSS

There are many open-source tools as well as commercial solutions. We can integrate these tools in our local environments as well as our pipelines to secure things earlier.
Feature tfsec terrascan checkov
CI/CD Yes Yes Yes
Rules 100+ 100+ 100+
Custom Rules Yes Yes Yes
Rule Language json, yaml, rego rego python

Rule customization

  • Ignoring rules
  • Overriding rules
  • Add custom rules


tfsec is a static analysis security scanner for your Terraform code supported by Aquasecurity.

Designed to run locally and in your CI pipelines, developer-friendly output and fully documented checks.

  • OPA/Rego Policies
  • VS Code Extension
  • GitHub Actions


Terrascan has support for Terraform, Azure, GCP, AWS, Kubernetes (manifests, Helm, Kustomize), Docker and even GitHub. Supported by Tenable and now integrated into nessus.

Terrascan has a large number of built in policies as well as support for custom OPA/Rego Policies.


Checkov is another tool that lets us do scanning and compliance.

Checkov is by BridgeCrew and python based. Checkov, like terrascan, supports Terraform, Azure, GCP, AWS, Kubernetes (manifests, Helm, Kustomize) and Docker.

Bonus Tool - Yor

  • Tagging: Automates tagging in IaC for better resource traceability.
  • Context: Provides enriched data on resource deployment.
  • CI/CD Integration: Facilitates automated tagging at scale.

Bonus Tool - Atlantis

Terraform PR Automation
Handles planning, locking, and applying

You Can Use Multiple Tools

Defense in Depth

Because these tools are independent and all scan the raw HCL or interpreted HCL, you can get different rules and potentially better compliance.

You can also hit a Signal to Noise problem.

Workflow Options

  • Pre-Commit Hooks
  • IDE Integration
  • CI/CD Integration

Pre-Commit Hooks

Pre-commit Hooks run before code gets committed to a git repo.
You do it yourself or use the Pre-Commit Framework.


IDE Integration

Pipeline integration


Backend providers

Overriding backend provider configuration

  • Check docs
  • Use environment vars

Open ID Connect (OIDC) Auth

No more passwords
Auth is claims based on repo, environment, branch..




LinkedIn: - chris-l-ayers
GitHub: Codebytes
Twitter: @Chris_L_Ayers

custom rules: tfsec --rego-policy-dir ./tfsec_rego_policies/ ./custom_checks_examples/keyvault/