Continuous Load Testing with GitHub Actions

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Chris Ayers

Chris Ayers

Senior Customer Engineer

Twitter: @Chris_L_Ayers
LinkedIn: - chris-l-ayers
GitHub: Codebytes


  • What is Load Testing?
  • What is JMeter?
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Continuous Load Testing
  • Benefits of Shift-Left Load Testing
  • Conclusion and Q&A

What is Load Testing?

Evaluating an application, system, or network performance under specific load conditions or increasing levels of load

Load Testing

  • Helps identify bottlenecks
  • Ensure reliability
  • Verify capacity

Simulated Traffic

Involves simulating real-world usage scenarios and gradually increasing load to observe system behavior

Types of Load Tests

There is nuance in the types of load tests

Key Concepts of Load Testing

  • Virtual users: Simulate concurrent connections to mimic real-world user traffic
  • Ramp-up time: Time taken to reach the full number of virtual users
  • Response time: Time from sending a request to receiving the last response
  • Latency: Time from sending a request to receiving the first response

Key Concepts of Load Testing

Requests per second (RPS): Total number of requests generated per second during the test

RPS = (number of requests) / (total time in seconds)
Virtual users = (RPS) * (latency in seconds)

What is JMeter?

  • Apache open-source load testing tool
  • Java-based and supported on all major platforms
  • One of the most popular load testing tools with a large user community

JMeter Capabilities

  • Supports a wide range of protocols, including:
    • HTTP
    • SOAP
    • LDAP
    • SMTP
    • JDBC
  • Provides an IDE for building and debugging load tests (GUI mode)
  • Offers a CLI for executing load tests at scale (non-GUI mode)
  • Includes integrated reporting and analysis tools

JMeter Limitations

  • JMeter does not function as a browser:
    • It cannot execute JavaScript or render HTML/CSS
  • As a result, JMeter's response times may not accurately reflect real-world browser response times
  • Consider using browser-based testing tools or integrating browser metrics for a more accurate representation of user experience

JMeter Workflow

  • Plan
  • Record/Script/Debug
  • Customize parameters and settings
  • Validate and run the test

JMeter Testing Architecture

center fit

Manual Testing vs Testing in Pipelines

Manual Testing

  • Time-consuming
  • Prone to human error
  • Inconsistent
  • Limited scalability

Testing in Pipelines

  • Automated
  • Consistent
  • Scalable
  • Integrated with development processes

Azure Load Testing Service w/ JMeter

Azure Load Testing Service

  • Azure Load Testing Service: Scalable, cloud-based platform for running JMeter tests
  • Combines the power of JMeter with the scalability and reliability of Azure

Azure Load Testing Service

  • Allows testing of private endpoints
  • Provides integrated reporting and analysis tools
  • Integrates with Azure Monitor and Application Insights

Azure Load Testing Service


Utilizing Azure Load Testing Service

  • Upload JMeter test plan to Azure
  • Configure test duration, load pattern, and number of users
  • Monitor test progress and analyze results

Load Testing in the Cloud

  • Control Costs with Ephemeral Environments
    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
    • CI/CD Pipelines

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • IaC: Managing and provisioning infrastructure through code
  • Enhances repeatability, consistency, and scalability
  • Popular tools: Terraform, ARM Templates, Bicep Templates

Continuous Load Testing on GitHub Actions

  • GitHub Actions: Platform for automation and CI/CD
  • Automate load testing as part of your development process
  • Run tests against ephemeral environments created using IaC

Shift Left

Benefits of Shift-Left Load Testing

  • Early identification of performance bottlenecks
  • Improved collaboration between developers, testers, and operations
  • Reduced costs and increased confidence in solutions
  • Faster feedback loop and shorter time to market

center fit




Chris Ayers

Twitter: @Chris_L_Ayers
LinkedIn: - chris-l-ayers
GitHub: Codebytes